Source code for flowno.core.event_loop.event_loop

Custom event loop implementation for Flowno's asynchronous execution model.

This module provides a lightweight, cooperative multitasking event loop that handles:
- Task scheduling and management
- Sleeping/timing operations
- Network socket operations
- Asynchronous queue operations
- Task joining and cancellation

The EventLoop class is the central component of Flowno's asynchronous execution,
implementing a command-based coroutine system similar to Python's asyncio.

This can be used as a standalone event loop without the rest of the Flowno runtime.

import heapq
import logging
import selectors
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from timeit import default_timer as timer
from typing import Any, Literal, TypeVar, cast

from flowno.core.event_loop.commands import (
from flowno.core.event_loop.instrumentation import (
from flowno.core.event_loop.queues import (
from flowno.core.event_loop.selectors import sel
from flowno.core.event_loop.tasks import TaskCancelled, TaskHandle
from flowno.core.event_loop.types import (
from typing_extensions import overload

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_ReturnT = TypeVar("_ReturnT")

[docs] class EventLoop: """ The core event loop implementation for Flowno's asynchronous execution model. Manages task scheduling, I/O operations, and synchronization primitives for the dataflow runtime. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.tasks: deque[RawTaskPacket[Command, Any, object, Exception]] = deque() self.sleeping: list[tuple[Time, RawTask[SleepCommand, None, DeltaTime]]] = [] self.watching_task: defaultdict[ RawTask[Command, object, object], list[RawTask[Command, object, object]] ] = defaultdict(list) self.waiting_on_network: list[RawTask[SocketCommand, Any, Any]] = [] self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue: set[ RawTask[QueueGetCommand[object] | QueuePutCommand[object], Any, Any] ] = set() self.finished: dict[RawTask[Command, Any, Any], object] = {} self.exceptions: dict[RawTask[Command, Any, Any], Exception] = {} self.cancelled: set[RawTask[Command, Any, Any]] = set() self._debug_max_wait_time: float | None = None
[docs] def has_living_tasks(self) -> bool: """Return True if there are any tasks still needing processing.""" if self.tasks or self.sleeping or self.waiting_on_network: return True for _watched_task, watching_tasks in self.watching_task.items(): if watching_tasks: return True if self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue: return True return False
[docs] def _handle_command( self, current_task_packet: TaskHandlePacket[Command, Any, Any, Exception], command: Command, ) -> bool: """ Handle the command yielded by the current task. Returns True if the command was successfully handled. """ if isinstance(command, SpawnCommand): command = cast(SpawnCommand[object], command) current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[SpawnCommand[object], Any, Any, Exception], current_task_packet) new_task = TaskHandle[object](self, command.raw_task) self.tasks.append((command.raw_task, None, None)) self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], new_task, None)) elif isinstance(command, JoinCommand): command = cast(JoinCommand[object], command) current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[JoinCommand[object], Any, Any, Exception], current_task_packet) if command.task_handle.is_finished: self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], self.finished[command.task_handle.raw_task], None)) elif command.task_handle.is_error or command.task_handle.is_cancelled: self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], None, self.exceptions[command.task_handle.raw_task])) else: # wait for the joined task to finish self.watching_task[command.task_handle.raw_task].append(current_task_packet[0]) elif isinstance(command, SleepCommand): current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[SleepCommand, None, DeltaTime, Exception], current_task_packet) if command.end_time <= timer(): self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], None, None)) else: heapq.heappush(self.sleeping, (command.end_time, current_task_packet[0])) elif isinstance(command, SocketAcceptCommand): current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[SocketAcceptCommand, None, None, Exception], current_task_packet) metadata = InstrumentationMetadata( _task=current_task_packet[0], _command=command, socket_handle=command.handle ) get_current_instrument().on_socket_accept_start(metadata) self.waiting_on_network.append(current_task_packet[0]) _ = sel.register(command.handle.socket, selectors.EVENT_READ, metadata) elif isinstance(command, SocketSendCommand): current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[SocketSendCommand, None, None, Exception], current_task_packet) metadata = InstrumentationMetadata( _task=current_task_packet[0], _command=command, socket_handle=command.handle ) get_current_instrument().on_socket_send_start(metadata) self.waiting_on_network.append(current_task_packet[0]) _ = sel.register(command.handle.socket, selectors.EVENT_WRITE, metadata) elif isinstance(command, SocketRecvCommand): current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[SocketRecvCommand, None, None, Exception], current_task_packet) metadata = InstrumentationMetadata( _task=current_task_packet[0], _command=command, socket_handle=command.handle ) get_current_instrument().on_socket_recv_start(metadata) self.waiting_on_network.append(current_task_packet[0]) _ = sel.register(command.handle.socket, selectors.EVENT_READ, metadata) elif isinstance(command, QueueGetCommand): command = cast(QueueGetCommand[object], command) current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[QueueGetCommand[object], Any, Any, Exception], current_task_packet) queue = command.queue if queue.items: if command.peek: self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], queue.items[0], None)) else: item = queue.items.popleft() self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], item, None)) get_current_instrument().on_queue_get(queue=queue, item=item, immediate=False) if queue._put_waiting: # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] task_waiting = queue._put_waiting.popleft() # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.remove(task_waiting.task) if queue._get_waiting: # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] raise RuntimeError( "Internal error: Tasks waiting to both get and put on the same queue" ) else: queue.items.append(task_waiting.item) self.tasks.append((task_waiting.task, None, None)) elif queue.closed: self.tasks.append( (current_task_packet[0], None, QueueClosedError("Queue has been closed and is empty")) ) else: queue._get_waiting.append( # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] TaskWaitingOnQueueGet( task=current_task_packet[0], peek=command.peek, ) ) self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.add(current_task_packet[0]) elif isinstance(command, QueuePutCommand): command = cast(QueuePutCommand[object], command) current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[QueuePutCommand[object], Any, None, Exception], current_task_packet) queue = command.queue item = command.item if queue.closed: self.tasks.append( (current_task_packet[0], None, QueueClosedError("Cannot put item into closed queue")) ) elif queue.maxsize is not None and len(queue.items) >= queue.maxsize: queue._put_waiting.append( # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] TaskWaitingOnQueuePut( task=current_task_packet[0], item=item, ) ) self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.add(current_task_packet[0]) else: if queue._get_waiting: # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] task_blocked_on_get = queue._get_waiting.popleft() # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.remove(task_blocked_on_get.task) self.tasks.append((task_blocked_on_get.task, item, None)) self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], None, None)) else: queue.items.append(item) get_current_instrument().on_queue_put(queue=queue, item=item, immediate=False) self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], None, None)) elif isinstance(command, QueueNotifyGettersCommand): command = cast(QueueNotifyGettersCommand[object], command) current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[QueueNotifyGettersCommand[object], Any, None, Exception], current_task_packet) queue = command.queue if queue._get_waiting and queue.items: # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] task_blocked_on_get = queue._get_waiting.popleft() # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.remove(task_blocked_on_get.task) item = queue.items.popleft() self.tasks.append((task_blocked_on_get.task, item, None)) get_current_instrument().on_queue_get(queue=queue, item=item, immediate=False) self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], None, None)) elif isinstance(command, QueueCloseCommand): command = cast(QueueCloseCommand[object], command) current_task_packet = cast(TaskHandlePacket[QueueCloseCommand[object], Any, None, Exception], current_task_packet) queue = command.queue self.handle_queue_close(queue) self.tasks.append((current_task_packet[0], None, None)) else: return False return True
[docs] def handle_queue_close(self, queue: AsyncQueue[Any]) -> None: """ Handle a queue being closed. Also resumes all tasks waiting on the queue with an appropriate exception. """ queue.closed = True for task_waiting in queue._get_waiting: # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] self.tasks.append((task_waiting.task, None, QueueClosedError("Queue has been closed and is empty"))) self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.remove(task_waiting.task) for task_waiting in queue._put_waiting: # pyright: ignore[reportPrivateUsage] self.tasks.append((task_waiting.task, None, QueueClosedError("Cannot put item into closed queue"))) self.tasks_waiting_on_a_queue.remove(task_waiting.task)
[docs] def cancel(self, raw_task: RawTask[Command, Any, Any]) -> bool: """ Cancel a task. Args: raw_task: The task to cancel. Returns: True if the task was successfully cancelled; False if it was already finished or errored. """ if raw_task in self.finished or raw_task in self.exceptions: return False self.tasks.append((raw_task, None, TaskCancelled(TaskHandle(self, raw_task)))) return True
@overload def run_until_complete( self, root_task: RawTask[Command, Any, _ReturnT], join: Literal[False] = False, wait_for_spawned_tasks: bool = True, _debug_max_wait_time: float | None = None, ) -> None: ... @overload def run_until_complete( self, root_task: RawTask[Command, Any, _ReturnT], join: bool = False, wait_for_spawned_tasks: bool = True, _debug_max_wait_time: float | None = None, ) -> _ReturnT: ...
[docs] def run_until_complete( self, root_task: RawTask[Command, Any, _ReturnT], join: bool = False, wait_for_spawned_tasks: bool = True, _debug_max_wait_time: float | None = None, ) -> _ReturnT | None: """ Run the event loop until the given root task is complete. This method executes the main event loop, processing tasks, handling I/O operations, and managing task synchronization until the root task completes. It can optionally wait for all spawned tasks to finish as well. Args: root_task (RawTask[Command, Any, _ReturnT]): The coroutine task to execute as the root of the execution graph. join (bool): When True, returns the result value of the root task. When False, returns None regardless of the task's result. If the task raises an exception and join=True, the exception is re-raised. wait_for_spawned_tasks (bool): When True, continue running the event loop until all tasks spawned by the root task have completed. When False, stop as soon as the root task completes. _debug_max_wait_time (float | None): Optional timeout value in seconds used for debugging. Limits how long the event loop will wait for network or sleeping operations. Returns: _ReturnT | None: If join=True, returns the result of the root task (of type _ReturnT). If join=False, returns None. Raises: RuntimeError: If the event loop exits without completing the root task when join=True. Exception: Any exception raised by the root task is propagated if join=True. """ self._debug_max_wait_time = _debug_max_wait_time self.tasks.append((root_task, None, None)) while self.has_living_tasks(): # Determine the timeout for selector based on tasks and sleeping tasks. if self.tasks: timeout = 0 elif self.sleeping: timeout = self.sleeping[0][0] - timer() if self._debug_max_wait_time is not None and timeout > self._debug_max_wait_time: logger.error( f"Sleeping task timeout {timeout} exceeds max wait time {_debug_max_wait_time}." ) timeout = self._debug_max_wait_time else: timeout = self._debug_max_wait_time for key, _mask in data = cast(InstrumentationMetadata, match data._command: case SocketAcceptCommand(): get_current_instrument().on_socket_accept_ready( ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata.from_instrumentation_metadata(data) ) case SocketRecvCommand(): get_current_instrument().on_socket_recv_ready( ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata.from_instrumentation_metadata(data) ) case SocketSendCommand(): get_current_instrument().on_socket_send_ready( ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata.from_instrumentation_metadata(data) ) case _: raise ValueError("Unknown selector command data type") self.tasks.append((data._task, None, None)) _ = sel.unregister(key.fileobj) self.waiting_on_network.remove(data._task) while self.sleeping and self.sleeping[0][0] <= timer(): _, task = heapq.heappop(self.sleeping) self.tasks.append((task, None, None)) if self.tasks: task_packet = self.tasks.popleft() try: if task_packet[2] is not None: command = task_packet[0].throw(task_packet[2]) else: command = task_packet[0].send(task_packet[1]) except StopIteration as e: returned_value = cast(object, e.value) self.finished[task_packet[0]] = returned_value for watcher in self.watching_task[task_packet[0]]: self.tasks.append((watcher, returned_value, None)) del self.watching_task[task_packet[0]] if task_packet[0] == root_task and not wait_for_spawned_tasks: return cast(_ReturnT, returned_value) if join else None except TaskCancelled as e: self.cancelled.add(task_packet[0]) self.exceptions[task_packet[0]] = e for watcher in self.watching_task[task_packet[0]]: self.tasks.append((watcher, None, e)) del self.watching_task[task_packet[0]] if task_packet[0] == root_task and not wait_for_spawned_tasks: if join: raise e else: return except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Task {task_packet[0]} raised an exception: {e}") self.exceptions[task_packet[0]] = e for watcher in self.watching_task[task_packet[0]]: self.tasks.append((watcher, None, e)) del self.watching_task[task_packet[0]] if task_packet[0] == root_task and not wait_for_spawned_tasks: if join: raise e else: return else: _ = self._handle_command(task_packet, command) if join and root_task in self.finished: return cast(_ReturnT, self.finished[root_task]) elif join and root_task in self.exceptions: raise self.exceptions[root_task] elif join: raise RuntimeError("Event loop exited without completing the root task.")