Source code for flowno.core.event_loop.instrumentation

Event Loop Instrumentation System.

This module provides a flexible instrumentation system for monitoring and debugging
the Flowno event loop. It captures metrics and events for socket operations, queue
operations, and other event loop activities.

The instrumentation system uses a context manager pattern, allowing multiple
instrumentation hooks to be applied within different scopes of code.

    >>> from flowno.core.event_loop.event_loop import EventLoop
    >>> from flowno.core.event_loop.instrumentation import PrintInstrument
    >>> from flowno.core.event_loop.queues import AsyncQueue
    >>> # Define a simple coroutine that uses a queue
    >>> async def queue_example():
    ...     queue = AsyncQueue()
    ...     # Put an item into the queue
    ...     await queue.put(42)
    ...     # Get the item back from the queue
    ...     value = await queue.get()
    ...     return value
    >>> # Create an event loop and run with instrumentation
    >>> event_loop = EventLoop()
    >>> with PrintInstrument():
    ...     result = event_loop.run_until_complete(queue_example(), join=True)
    [QUEUE-PUT] Item put in queue: 42
    [QUEUE-GET] Item retrieved from queue: 42
    >>> print(result)

from __future__ import annotations

from contextvars import ContextVar, Token
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from time import time
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Final, TypeVar

from typing_extensions import Self, override

    from flowno.core.event_loop.commands import Command
    from flowno.core.event_loop.queues import AsyncQueue
    from flowno.core.event_loop.selectors import SocketHandle
    from flowno.core.event_loop.types import RawTask, _Address

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T")

_current_instrument: ContextVar["EventLoopInstrument | None"] = ContextVar("_current_instrument", default=None)

[docs] @dataclass class InstrumentationMetadata: """Base metadata class for instrumentation events.""" _task: "RawTask[Any, None, None]" _command: "Command" socket_handle: "SocketHandle" immediate: bool = False start_time: float = field(default_factory=time)
[docs] @dataclass class ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata(InstrumentationMetadata): """Metadata for socket operations that have completed.""" finish_time: float = field(default_factory=time) @classmethod def from_instrumentation_metadata( cls, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata, **kwargs: Any ) -> "ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata": return cls( _task=metadata._task, _command=metadata._command, socket_handle=metadata.socket_handle, immediate=metadata.immediate, start_time=metadata.start_time, **kwargs, )
[docs] @dataclass class SocketRecvDataMetadata: """Metadata for received socket data.""" socket_handle: "SocketHandle" data: bytes
[docs] @dataclass class SocketConnectStartMetadata: """Metadata for socket connection initiation.""" socket_handle: "SocketHandle" target_address: "_Address" immediate: bool = False start_time: float = field(default_factory=time)
[docs] @dataclass class SocketConnectReadyMetadata(SocketConnectStartMetadata): """Metadata for completed socket connections.""" finish_time: float = field(default_factory=time) @classmethod def from_instrumentation_metadata( cls, metadata: SocketConnectStartMetadata, **kwargs: Any ) -> "SocketConnectReadyMetadata": return cls( socket_handle=metadata.socket_handle, target_address=metadata.target_address, immediate=metadata.immediate, start_time=metadata.start_time, **kwargs, )
[docs] class EventLoopInstrument: """ Base class for event loop instrumentation. This class provides hooks for various event loop operations. Subclasses can override these methods to implement custom monitoring or logging. """ _token: Token[Self | None] | None = None
[docs] def on_queue_get(self, queue: "AsyncQueue[T]", item: T, immediate: bool) -> None: """ Called every time a queue completes a get command. If the task blocks on an empty queue, this callback fires when an items is available and returned. Args: queue (AsyncQueue[T]): The queue which the item was popped. item (T): The item that was popped from the queue. """ pass
[docs] def on_queue_put(self, queue: "AsyncQueue[T]", item: T, immediate: bool) -> None: """ Called every time a queue processes a put command. If the task blocks on a full queue, this callback fires when the queue accepts the item. Args: queue (AsyncQueue[T]): The queue which the item was added to. item (T): The item that was added to the queue. """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_connect_start(self, metadata: SocketConnectStartMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a socket connection is initiated. Args: metadata: Connection metadata including target address """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_connect_ready(self, metadata: SocketConnectReadyMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a socket connection has been established. Args: metadata: Connection metadata including duration and target address """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_recv_start(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a task starts waiting on a socket recv. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_recv_ready(self, metadata: ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when the socket is ready for reading. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata including duration """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_recv_data(self, metadata: SocketRecvDataMetadata) -> None: """ Called immediately after the actual bytes have been read. Args: metadata: Metadata including the received bytes """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_send_start(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a task starts waiting on a socket send. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_send_ready(self, metadata: ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when the socket send operation completes. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata including duration """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_accept_start(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a task starts waiting on a socket accept. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_accept_ready(self, metadata: ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a socket accept operation completes. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata including duration """ pass
[docs] def on_socket_close(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: """ Called when a socket connection is closed. Args: metadata: Socket operation metadata """ pass
def __enter__(self: Self) -> Self: # token to restore old value of instrument # TODO: change to a list so I can use multiple instruments at the same time self._token = _current_instrument.set(self) return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None, ) -> bool: _current_instrument.reset(self._token) return False
[docs] class PrintInstrument(EventLoopInstrument): """ Event loop instrument that prints information to stdout. This instrument outputs detailed information about socket operations. """ print = print def _get_peer_info(self, sock_handle: SocketHandle) -> tuple[str, int]: try: return sock_handle.socket.getpeername() except (OSError, AttributeError): raise
[docs] @override def on_socket_connect_start(self, metadata: SocketConnectStartMetadata) -> None: peer = metadata.target_address self.print(f"[CONNECT] Connecting to {peer}.")
[docs] @override def on_socket_connect_ready(self, metadata: SocketConnectReadyMetadata) -> None: duration = metadata.finish_time - metadata.start_time peer = self._get_peer_info(metadata.socket_handle) self.print( f"[CONNECT] Connected to {peer} in {duration:.4f}s via {metadata.socket_handle.socket.getsockname()}" )
[docs] @override def on_socket_send_start(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: peer = self._get_peer_info(metadata.socket_handle) self.print(f"[SEND] Starting send to {peer}")
[docs] @override def on_socket_send_ready(self, metadata: ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata) -> None: duration = metadata.finish_time - metadata.start_time peer = self._get_peer_info(metadata.socket_handle) self.print(f"[SEND] Completed send to {peer} in {duration:.4f}s")
[docs] @override def on_socket_recv_start(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: peer = self._get_peer_info(metadata.socket_handle) self.print(f"[RECV] Waiting for data from {peer}")
[docs] @override def on_socket_recv_ready(self, metadata: ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata) -> None: duration = metadata.finish_time - metadata.start_time peer = self._get_peer_info(metadata.socket_handle) self.print(f"[RECV] Ready to receive data from {peer} in {duration:.4f}s")
[docs] @override def on_socket_close(self, metadata: InstrumentationMetadata) -> None: peer = self._get_peer_info(metadata.socket_handle) self.print(f"[CLOSE] Connection closed to {peer}")
[docs] @override def on_socket_recv_data(self, metadata: SocketRecvDataMetadata) -> None: chunk_len = len( # Maybe show the first 50 bytes if it's textual data: chunk_preview =[:50].decode("utf-8", errors="replace") self.print(f"[RECV-DATA] Got {chunk_len} bytes: {chunk_preview!r}") self.print(f"[RECV-DATA] FULL DATA:\n{!r}")
[docs] class LogInstrument(PrintInstrument): """ Event loop instrument that logs information using the logging module. This instrument uses the debug log level for all messages. """ print = logger.debug
EMPTY_INSTRUMENT: Final[EventLoopInstrument] = EventLoopInstrument()
[docs] def get_current_instrument() -> EventLoopInstrument: """ Get the current instrumentation context. Returns: The currently active instrument or an empty instrument if none is active. """ instrument = _current_instrument.get() if instrument: return instrument else: return EMPTY_INSTRUMENT
__all__ = [ "EventLoopInstrument", "PrintInstrument", "LogInstrument", "InstrumentationMetadata", "ReadySocketInstrumentationMetadata", "SocketRecvDataMetadata", "SocketConnectStartMetadata", "SocketConnectReadyMetadata", "get_current_instrument" ]