Source code for flowno.core.event_loop.selectors

Socket abstraction for the Flowno event loop.

This module provides socket wrappers that integrate with Flowno's event loop system,
enabling non-blocking socket operations through coroutines. The wrappers allow socket
operations to be suspended and resumed by yielding command objects that the event loop

Key features:
    - Non-blocking socket operations through coroutines
    - Support for both plain and TLS/SSL sockets
    - Integration with Flowno's instrumentation system
    - Compatible with Flowno's event loop commands

Example usage:
    >>> from flowno import socket, spawn, sleep, EventLoop
    >>> # Server coroutine
    >>> async def echo_server():
    ...     # Create a server socket
    ...     server_sock = socket()
    ...     server_sock.bind(('localhost', 8888))
    ...     server_sock.listen(1)
    ...     print("Server: Listening on port 8888")
    ...     # Accept client connection (non-blocking)
    ...     client_sock, addr = await server_sock.accept()
    ...     print(f"Server: Client connected from {addr}")
    ...     # Receive data from client (non-blocking)
    ...     data = await client_sock.recv(1024)
    ...     print(f"Server: Received: {data.decode()}")
    ...     # Send response (non-blocking)
    ...     await client_sock.sendAll(b"Echo: " + data)
    ...     print("Server: Response sent")
    >>> # Client coroutine
    >>> async def echo_client():
    ...     # Give the server time to start
    ...     await sleep(0.1)
    ...     # Create a client socket
    ...     client_sock = socket()
    ...     # Connect to server (non-blocking)
    ...     client_sock.connect(('localhost', 8888))
    ...     print("Client: Connected to server")
    ...     # Send data (non-blocking)
    ...     message = b"Hello, world!"
    ...     await client_sock.sendAll(message)
    ...     print(f"Client: Sent: {message.decode()}")
    ...     # Receive response (non-blocking)
    ...     response = await client_sock.recv(1024)
    ...     print(f"Client: Received: {response.decode()}")
    >>> # Main coroutine that coordinates server and client
    >>> async def main():
    ...     # Start the server
    ...     server_task = await spawn(echo_server())
    ...     # Start the client
    ...     client_task = await spawn(echo_client())
    ...     # Wait for both tasks to complete
    ...     await server_task.join()
    ...     await client_task.join()
    ...     print("Main: All tasks completed")
    >>> # Run the example
    >>> event_loop = EventLoop()
    >>> event_loop.run_until_complete(main(), join=True)
    Server: Listening on port 8888
    Client: Connected to server
    Client: Sent: Hello, world!
    Server: Client connected from ('', ...)
    Server: Received: Hello, world!
    Server: Response sent
    Client: Received: Echo: Hello, world!
    Main: All tasks completed

import errno
import os
import selectors
import socket as _socket
import ssl
from import Generator
from types import coroutine
from typing import cast

from flowno.core.event_loop.instrumentation import (
from typing_extensions import override

from .commands import SocketAcceptCommand, SocketRecvCommand, SocketSendCommand
from .types import _Address

#: Default selector used by the event loop for socket operations.
#: This selector efficiently monitors multiple socket objects for I/O events.
sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()

# TODO: change this to subclass of _socket.socket
[docs] class SocketHandle: """ Wrapper around the built-in socket object. This class provides methods that integrate with Flowno's event loop, allowing socket operations to be performed asynchronously. """ def __init__(self, socket: _socket.socket): """ Initialize a socket handle. Args: socket: The underlying Python socket object to wrap. """ self.socket = socket
[docs] def connect(self, address: _Address, /) -> None: """ Connect to a remote socket at the specified address. This is a blocking operation. For non-blocking connections, use the socket primitives from the flowno module. Args: address: The address to connect to (host, port). """ metadata = SocketConnectStartMetadata(socket_handle=self, immediate=True, target_address=address) get_current_instrument().on_socket_connect_start(metadata) self.socket.connect(address) get_current_instrument().on_socket_connect_ready( SocketConnectReadyMetadata.from_instrumentation_metadata(metadata) )
[docs] def bind(self, address: _Address, /) -> None: """ Bind the socket to the specified address. Args: address: The address (host, port) to bind to. """ self.socket.bind(address)
[docs] def listen(self, backlog: int | None = None, /) -> None: """ Enable a server socket to accept connections. Args: backlog: The number of unaccepted connections the system will allow before refusing new connections. """ if backlog is None: self.socket.listen() else: self.socket.listen(backlog)
[docs] @coroutine def accept( self, ) -> Generator[SocketAcceptCommand, None, tuple["SocketHandle", _Address]]: """ Accept a connection on a listening socket. This coroutine yields a SocketAcceptCommand for the event loop to process. When the event loop detects an incoming connection, it resumes this coroutine. Returns: A tuple containing a new SocketHandle for the client connection and the client's address. """ yield SocketAcceptCommand(self) # reenter when the socket is ready to accept a connection conn, address = self.socket.accept() # pyright: ignore[reportAny] address = cast(_Address, address) conn.setblocking(False) return SocketHandle(conn), address
[docs] @coroutine def sendAll(self, data: bytes) -> Generator[SocketSendCommand, None, None]: """ Send all data to the socket. This coroutine continues yielding SocketSendCommand until all data is sent. Args: data: The bytes to send. """ while data: yield SocketSendCommand(self) sent = self.socket.send(data) data = data[sent:]
[docs] @coroutine def send(self, data: bytes) -> Generator[SocketSendCommand, None, int]: """ Send data to the socket. Unlike sendAll, this sends data once and returns the number of bytes sent. Args: data: The bytes to send. Returns: The number of bytes sent. """ yield SocketSendCommand(self) return self.socket.send(data)
[docs] @coroutine def recv(self, bufsize: int) -> Generator[SocketRecvCommand, None, bytes]: """ Receive data from the socket. This coroutine yields a SocketRecvCommand for the event loop to process. When data is available to read, the event loop resumes this coroutine. Args: bufsize: The maximum number of bytes to receive. Returns: The bytes received from the socket. """ try: _ = os.fstat(self.socket.fileno()) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EBADF: return b"" else: raise yield SocketRecvCommand(self) data = self.socket.recv(bufsize) get_current_instrument().on_socket_recv_data(SocketRecvDataMetadata(socket_handle=self, data=data)) return data
[docs] class TLSSocketHandle(SocketHandle): """ Wrapper around the built-in ssl socket object. This class extends SocketHandle to provide TLS/SSL support. """ def __init__(self, socket: _socket.socket, ssl_context: ssl.SSLContext, server_hostname: str | None): """ Initialize a TLS socket handle. Args: socket: The underlying Python socket object to wrap. ssl_context: The SSL context to use for the connection. server_hostname: The server hostname for SNI (Server Name Indication). """ super().__init__(socket) self.ssl_context = ssl_context self.server_hostname = server_hostname
[docs] @override def connect(self, address: _Address, /) -> None: """ Connect to a remote socket and establish TLS/SSL connection. Args: address: The address to connect to (host, port). """ self.socket.connect(address) self.socket = self.ssl_context.wrap_socket(self.socket, server_hostname=self.server_hostname)
__all__ = [ "SocketHandle", "TLSSocketHandle", "sel" ]