Task management for the Flowno event loop.
This module provides classes for creating, managing, and interacting with asynchronous
tasks in the Flowno event loop. The main class is TaskHandle, which represents a
spawned task and allows operations like cancellation and joining.
>>> from flowno.core.event_loop.event_loop import EventLoop
>>> from flowno.core.event_loop.primitives import spawn
>>> async def worker():
... # Some async work
... return 42
>>> async def main():
... # Spawn a new task
... task = await spawn(worker())
... # Check if it's a TaskHandle
... print(f"task is a TaskHandle: {isinstance(task, TaskHandle)}")
... # Wait for the task to complete
... result = await task.join()
... print(f"Task result: {result}")
... return result
>>> # Run the example
>>> loop = EventLoop()
>>> result = loop.run_until_complete(main(), join=True)
task is a TaskHandle: True
Task result: 42
>>> print(result)
from collections.abc import Generator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import coroutine
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, TypeVar, cast, final
from .types import RawTask
from .event_loop import EventLoop # Only import during type checking
from .commands import Command, JoinCommand
_T_co = TypeVar("_T_co", covariant=True)
class TaskHandle(Generic[_T_co]):
A handle to a spawned task that allows cancellation and joining.
TaskHandle objects are returned by the spawn primitive and represent
concurrent tasks running in the event loop. They can be used to:
- Check if a task has completed, failed, or been cancelled
- Cancel a running task
- Join (wait for) a task to complete and get its return value
def __init__(self, event_loop: "EventLoop", raw_task: RawTask[Command, object, _T_co]):
Initialize a TaskHandle.
event_loop: The event loop managing this task
raw_task: The raw coroutine task being managed
self.event_loop = event_loop
self.raw_task = raw_task
def cancel(self) -> bool:
Cancel this task if it's still running.
True if the task was successfully cancelled, False if it was
already finished or had an error.
return self.event_loop.cancel(self.raw_task)
def is_finished(self) -> bool:
Check if the task completed successfully.
True if the task has finished execution without errors.
return self.raw_task in self.event_loop.finished
def is_error(self) -> bool:
Check if the task completed with an error.
True if the task raised an exception (not including cancellation).
return self.raw_task in self.event_loop.exceptions and not self.is_cancelled
def is_cancelled(self) -> bool:
Check if the task was cancelled.
True if the task was cancelled.
return self.raw_task in self.event_loop.cancelled
def join(
) -> Generator[JoinCommand[_T_co], object, _T_co]:
Wait for this task to complete and get its result.
This is a coroutine that yields a JoinCommand for the event loop to process.
When the task completes, this coroutine will resume with its result.
The value returned by the task.
Exception: Any exception that was raised by the task.
TaskCancelled: If the task was cancelled.
received = yield JoinCommand(self)
return cast(_T_co, received)
class TaskCancelled(Exception):
Exception raised when a task is cancelled.
This exception is raised when attempting to join a task that
has been cancelled.
by: TaskHandle[object]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Task was cancelled"
__all__ = [