Multiple output node creation utilities for Flowno.
This module provides utilities for creating multiple output nodes, which are used
internally by the :py:mod:`flowno.decorators.node` module. These utilities help
transform async functions or classes into DraftNode subclasses with multiple outputs.
For more information and examples, see the :py:mod:`flowno.decorators.node` module.
import inspect
import logging
from collections.abc import AsyncGenerator, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine
from typing import TypeVar, cast, Tuple
from typing_extensions import override, TypeVarTuple, Unpack
from flowno.core.node_base import DraftNode, OriginalCall
from flowno.core.types import RunLevel
from flowno.decorators.wrappers import wrap_async_generator_direct
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Ts = TypeVarTuple('Ts')
ReturnTupleT_co = TypeVar('ReturnTupleT_co', bound=Tuple[object, ...], covariant=True)
def create_func_node_factory_multiple(
func: (
Callable[[Unpack[Ts]], Coroutine[object, object, ReturnTupleT_co]]
| Callable[[Unpack[Ts]], AsyncGenerator[ReturnTupleT_co, None]]
stream_in: list[str],
) -> type[DraftNode[Unpack[Ts], ReturnTupleT_co]]:
Create a DraftNode subclass for a function with multiple outputs.
func: The function to transform
stream_in: List of input streams
A DraftNode subclass
func_sig = inspect.signature(func)
func_params = func_sig.parameters.values()
filename = func.__code__.co_filename
lineno = func.__code__.co_firstlineno
func_name = func.__name__
minimum_run_level: list[RunLevel] = []
for arg in func_params:
if arg.name in stream_in:
default_values = {}
for index, param in enumerate(func_params):
logger.debug(f"checking {func.__name__} param {param} for default value")
default_value: object = param.default # pyright: ignore[reportAny]
if default_value is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
default_values[index] = default_value
Ts_inner = TypeVarTuple('Ts_inner')
ReturnTupleT_inner_co = TypeVar('ReturnTupleT_inner_co', bound=Tuple[object, ...], covariant=True)
class DynamicDirectNode(DraftNode[Unpack[Ts_inner], ReturnTupleT_inner_co]):
"""Dynamically created node class for the decorated function.
This class is created by the `@node` decorator and is used to create
a new custom class that inherits from the `Node` class. The new class
is created with the decorated function as the `call` method.
_minimum_run_level = minimum_run_level
_default_values = default_values
_original_call = OriginalCall(
def call(
self, *args: Unpack[Ts_inner]
) -> Coroutine[object, object, ReturnTupleT_inner_co] | AsyncGenerator[ReturnTupleT_inner_co, None]:
result = func(*cast(Tuple[Unpack[Ts]], args))
casted_result: (
Coroutine[object, object, ReturnTupleT_inner_co] | AsyncGenerator[ReturnTupleT_inner_co, None]
) = cast(Coroutine[object, object, ReturnTupleT_inner_co] | AsyncGenerator[ReturnTupleT_inner_co, None], result)
if isinstance(casted_result, Awaitable):
return casted_result
elif isinstance(result, AsyncGenerator):
return wrap_async_generator_direct(casted_result)
raise TypeError("Unexpected return type (must be async function)")
DynamicDirectNode.__name__ = func.__name__
return DynamicDirectNode[Unpack[Ts], ReturnTupleT_co]