Source code for flowno.decorators.node

Node decorator for Flowno.

This module provides the `@node` decorator, which transforms async functions or classes
into DraftNode subclasses. These nodes can then be used within a FlowHDL context to
define dataflow graphs.

    Basic usage:
    >>> from flowno import node
    >>> @node
    ... async def Add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    ...     return x + y
    >>> add_node = Add(1, 2)
    >>> print(add_node)  # DraftNode instance

    With stream inputs:
    >>> from flowno import node, Stream
    >>> @node(stream_in=["a"])
    ... async def SumStream(x: int, a: Stream[int]) -> int:
    ...     total = x
    ...     async for value in a:
    ...         total += value
    ...     return total
    >>> sum_stream_node = SumStream(1)
    >>> print(sum_stream_node)  # DraftNode instance with stream input

    With multiple outputs:
    >>> from flowno import node
    >>> @node(multiple_outputs=True)
    ... async def SumAndDiff(x: int, y: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
    ...     return x + y, x - y
    >>> sum_and_diff_node = SumAndDiff(3, 1)
    >>> print(sum_and_diff_node)  # DraftNode instance with multiple outputs

from import AsyncGenerator, Callable, Coroutine
from typing_extensions import Unpack
from typing import Any, Final, Literal, TypeVar, Union, overload

from flowno.core.mono_node import (
from flowno.core.node_base import DraftNode
from flowno.core.streaming_node import (
from flowno.decorators.node_meta_multiple_dec import node_meta_multiple_dec
from flowno.decorators.node_meta_single_dec import node_meta_single_dec
from flowno.decorators.single_output import (
from typing_extensions import override

EMPTY_LIST: Final[list[str]] = []  # used to make the typing happy

_T1 = TypeVar("_T1")
_T2 = TypeVar("_T2")
_ReturnT = TypeVar("_ReturnT")
T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
_ReturnT_co = TypeVar("_ReturnT_co", covariant=True)
_ReturnTupleT_co = TypeVar("_ReturnTupleT_co", bound=tuple[object, ...], covariant=True)

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # class StatefulNode:
# #     async def call(self, x: str, y: int) -> int:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: type[BlockingClassCall[T1, T2, _ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[MonoNode2[T1, T2, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # class StatefulNode:
# #     async def call(self, x: str, y: int) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: type[StreamingClassCall[T1, T2, _ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[StreamingNode2[T1, T2, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]
# ]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # class StatefulNode:
# #     async def call(self, x: str) -> int:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: type[BlockingClassCall[T1, _ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[MonoNode1[T1, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # class StatefulNode:
# #     async def call(self, x: str) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: type[StreamingClassCall[T1, _ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[StreamingNode1[T1, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # class StatefulNode:
# #     async def call(self) -> int:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: type[MonoClassCall[_ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[MonoNode0[tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # class StatefulNode:
# #     async def call(self) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: type[StreamingClassCall[_ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[StreamingNode0[tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # async def StatelessNode(x: str, y: int) -> int:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: Callable[[T1, T2], Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnT_co]], /
# ) -> type[MonoNode2[T1, T2, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]
# ]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # async def StatelessNode(x: str, y: int) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: Callable[[T1, T2], AsyncGenerator[_ReturnT_co, None]], /
# ) -> type[StreamingNode2[T1, T2, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]
# ]: ...

# Eg:
# @node
# async def StatelessNode(x: str) -> int:
def node(
    func_or_cls: Callable[[T1], Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnT_co]], /
) -> type[MonoNode1[T1, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # async def StatelessNode(x: str) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: Callable[[T1], AsyncGenerator[_ReturnT_co, None]], /
# ) -> type[StreamingNode1[T1, tuple[_ReturnT_co]]
# ]: ...

# Eg:
# @node
# async def StatelessNode() -> int:
def node(func_or_cls: Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], /) -> type[MonoNode0_0]: ...

def node(func_or_cls: Callable[[], Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnT_co]], /) -> type[MonoNode0_1[_ReturnT_co]]: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node
# # async def StatelessNode() -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: Callable[[], AsyncGenerator[_ReturnT_co, None]], /
# ) -> type[StreamingNode0[tuple[_ReturnT_co]]]: ...

# Eg:
# @node(stream_in=["a"])
# async def StatelessNode(x: str, a: Stream[int]) -> int:
# or:
# @node(stream_in=["a"])
# async def StatelessNode(x: str, a: Stream[int]) -> AsyncGenerator[int, None]:
def node(
    func_or_cls: None = None,
    multiple_outputs: Literal[False] | None = None,
    stream_in: list[str] = EMPTY_LIST,
) -> node_meta_single_dec: ...

# # Eg:
# # @node(stream_in=["a"], multiple_outputs=True)
# # async def StatelessNode(x: str, a: Stream[int]) -> tuple[int, int]:
# # or:
# # @node(stream_in=["a"], multiple_outputs=True)
# # async def StatelessNode(x: str, a: Stream[int]) -> AsyncGenerator[tuple[int, int], None]:
# @overload
# def node(
#     func_or_cls: None = None,
#     /,
#     *,
#     multiple_outputs: Literal[True],
#     stream_in: list[str] = EMPTY_LIST,
# ) -> node_meta_multiple_dec: ...

[docs] def node( func_or_cls: ( Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnT_co]] | Callable[..., AsyncGenerator[_ReturnT_co, None]] | type[ClassCall[Any, _ReturnT_co]] | None ) = None, /, *, multiple_outputs: Literal[False] | Literal[True] | None = None, stream_in: list[str] = EMPTY_LIST, ) -> ( type[MonoNode[Unpack[tuple[Any, ...]], tuple[_ReturnT_co]]] | type[StreamingNode[Unpack[tuple[Any, ...]], tuple[_ReturnT_co]]] | node_meta_single_dec | node_meta_multiple_dec[Unpack[tuple[object, ...]], _ReturnTupleT_co] ): """ Decorator that transforms async functions or classes into DraftNode subclasses. Args: func_or_cls: The async function or class to transform multiple_outputs: Whether the node has multiple outputs stream_in: List of input streams Returns: A DraftNode subclass or a node_meta decorator Examples: Basic usage: >>> from flowno import node >>> >>> @node ... async def Add(x: int, y: int) -> int: ... return x + y >>> >>> add_node = Add(1, 2) >>> print(add_node) # DraftNode instance With stream inputs: >>> from flowno import node, Stream >>> >>> @node(stream_in=["a"]) ... async def SumStream(x: int, a: Stream[int]) -> int: ... total = x ... async for value in a: ... total += value ... return total >>> >>> sum_stream_node = SumStream(1) >>> print(sum_stream_node) # DraftNode instance with stream input With multiple outputs: >>> from flowno import node >>> >>> @node(multiple_outputs=True) ... async def SumAndDiff(x: int, y: int) -> tuple[int, int]: ... return x + y, x - y >>> >>> sum_and_diff_node = SumAndDiff(3, 1) >>> print(sum_and_diff_node) # DraftNode instance with multiple outputs """ if func_or_cls is not None: # both stream_in and multiple_outputs are unset if isinstance(func_or_cls, type): return create_class_node_subclass_single(func_or_cls, stream_in) else: return create_func_node_factory_single(func_or_cls, stream_in) elif multiple_outputs is not True: return node_meta_single_dec(stream_in=stream_in) else: return node_meta_multiple_dec(stream_in=stream_in)