Type definitions for mono nodes in Flowno's typechecking system.
A *Mono Node* is a node that returns a single value or tuple via return statement
rather than streaming values via yield. This module defines Protocol classes
that improve typechecking specificity for different node arities.
>>> @node
... def Add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
... return a + b
>>> @node(multiple_outputs=True)
... def SumAndDiff(a: int, b: int):
... return a + b, a - b
.. warning::
These classes are *never* instantiated directly - they exist solely for
static type checking.
.. admonition:: Naming Conventions
- MonoNode: Base protocol for all mono nodes regardless of arity
- MonoNodeX: Node with X inputs and any number of outputs
- MonoNodeX_Y: Node with X inputs and Y outputs
.. seealso::
- :mod:`flowno.core.streaming_node`: Type definitions for streaming nodes
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections.abc import Coroutine
from types import NotImplementedType
from typing import Any, Literal, Protocol, TypeAlias, TypeVar, overload
from flowno.core.node_base import DraftNode, DraftOutputPortRef
from typing_extensions import TypeVarTuple, Unpack, override
_ReturnTupleT_co = TypeVar("_ReturnTupleT_co", covariant=True, bound=tuple[object, ...])
"""Type variable for the return type of a mono node."""
_T1_contra = TypeVar("_T1_contra", contravariant=True)
_T2_contra = TypeVar("_T2_contra", contravariant=True)
Ts = TypeVarTuple("Ts")
"""Type variable for the input types of a mono node."""
_Tout = TypeVar("_Tout", covariant=True)
_T1_co = TypeVar("_T1_co", covariant=True)
_T2_co = TypeVar("_T2_co", covariant=True)
class MonoDraftOutputPortRef(DraftOutputPortRef[_Tout]):
class MonoNode(Protocol[Unpack[Ts], _ReturnTupleT_co]):
"""Protocol for mono nodes that produce a single tuple return value.
A mono node is a node that returns a single value or tuple rather than
streaming values via yield statements. This class serves as the base
Protocol for all mono node arities.
Note: This class is never instantiated - it exists solely for typechecking.
def __init__(self, *args: Unpack[tuple[Any, ...]]): ...
def call(self, *args: Unpack[Ts]) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnTupleT_co]: ...
class MonoNode0(DraftNode[_ReturnTupleT_co]):
"""A mono node with 0 inputs that returns a tuple.
See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.
def __init__(self): ...
def call(self) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnTupleT_co]: ...
class MonoNode0_0(MonoNode0[tuple[None]]):
"""A mono node with 0 inputs and 0 outputs.
See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.
def __init__(self): ...
def call(self) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, tuple[None]]: ...
def output(self, output_port: int) -> "NotImplementedType": ...
class MonoNode0_1(MonoNode0[tuple[_T1_co]]):
"""A mono node with 0 inputs and 1 output.
See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.
def __init__(self): ...
def call(self) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, tuple[_T1_co]]: ...
def output(self, output_port: Literal[0]) -> "MonoDraftOutputPortRef[_T1_co]": ...
def output(self, output_port: int) -> "NotImplementedType": ...
_T1_co = TypeVar("_T1_co", covariant=True)
MonoNode_1: TypeAlias = DraftNode[Unpack[tuple[Any, ...]], tuple[_T1_co]]
class MonoNode1(
DraftNode[_T1_contra, _ReturnTupleT_co],
"""A mono node with 1 input that returns a tuple.
See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.
# Python 3.10 does not allow Unpack in an *args list
def __init__(self, *args: Any): ... # TODO: Replace this with specific options when migrating to Python 3.11
def call(self, arg1: _T1_contra) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnTupleT_co]: ...
class MonoNode2(
DraftNode[_T1_contra, _T2_contra, _ReturnTupleT_co],
"""A mono node with 2 inputs that returns a tuple.
See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.
def __init__(self): ...
def call(self, arg1: _T1_contra, arg2: _T2_contra) -> Coroutine[Any, Any, _ReturnTupleT_co]: ...