
Type definitions for mono nodes in Flowno’s typechecking system.

A Mono Node is a node that returns a single value or tuple via return statement rather than streaming values via yield. This module defines Protocol classes that improve typechecking specificity for different node arities.


>>> @node
... def Add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
...     return a + b
>>> @node(multiple_outputs=True)
... def SumAndDiff(a: int, b: int):
...     return a + b, a - b


These classes are never instantiated directly - they exist solely for static type checking.

Naming Conventions

  • MonoNode: Base protocol for all mono nodes regardless of arity

  • MonoNodeX: Node with X inputs and any number of outputs

  • MonoNodeX_Y: Node with X inputs and Y outputs

See also

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoDraftOutputPortRef(node: DraftNode[Unpack, tuple[object, ...]], port_index: OutputPortIndex)[source]

Bases: DraftOutputPortRef[_Tout]

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoNode(*args: Unpack)[source]

Bases: Protocol[Unpack[Ts], _ReturnTupleT_co]

Protocol for mono nodes that produce a single tuple return value.

A mono node is a node that returns a single value or tuple rather than streaming values via yield statements. This class serves as the base Protocol for all mono node arities.

Note: This class is never instantiated - it exists solely for typechecking.

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoNode0[source]

Bases: DraftNode[_ReturnTupleT_co]

A mono node with 0 inputs that returns a tuple.

See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoNode0_0[source]

Bases: MonoNode0[tuple[None]]

A mono node with 0 inputs and 0 outputs.

See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoNode0_1[source]

Bases: MonoNode0[tuple[_T1_co]]

A mono node with 0 inputs and 1 output.

See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.

output(output_port: Literal[0]) MonoDraftOutputPortRef[_T1_co]
output(output_port: int) NotImplementedType

Helper for @overload to raise when called.

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoNode1(*args: Any)[source]

Bases: DraftNode[_T1_contra, _ReturnTupleT_co]

A mono node with 1 input that returns a tuple.

See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.

class flowno.core.mono_node.MonoNode2[source]

Bases: DraftNode[_T1_contra, _T2_contra, _ReturnTupleT_co]

A mono node with 2 inputs that returns a tuple.

See MonoNode for details on the mono node protocol.

flowno.core.mono_node.Ts = Ts

Type variable for the input types of a mono node.

class flowno.core.mono_node._ReturnTupleT_co

Type variable for the return type of a mono node.

alias of TypeVar(‘_ReturnTupleT_co’, bound=tuple[object, …], covariant=True)